Knowing when to have a baby shower can sometimes be overwhelming. You’re forced to balance between the needs and schedules of guests within the narrow window of pregnancy. You’re also required to figure out the appropriate venue and food to serve. Although the event is centered on celebrating a new life and growing your family, it can be stressful. However, It shouldn’t be for you.
So when do you have a baby shower? Most people hold their baby showers about four or six weeks before their bundle of joy arrives. This timing ensures that the pregnancy is early enough just in case the baby arrives earlier than expected and late enough that the pregnancy is considered safe.
This is during your third trimester of pregnancy. However, your schedule will depend on different factors, including the date and time of the year, your guests’ schedules, and also your preferred date and time. Other things to consider are the possibility of holding a digital baby shower or a traditional one and whether to wait until the baby arrives.
When should you hold your baby shower?
There’s no cast-iron law that prescribes when you should hold your baby shower. Although most are thrown approximately four to six weeks before the baby’s due date, you can host yours earlier or even later, depending on your circumstances.
Here’s what some expectant moms had to say about their baby shower plans:
“I’m having triplets, and my doctor says that I might reach 30 weeks for my safety and that of the babies. I am therefore thinking of hosting my baby shower at 26 weeks right before the holidays begin.”
“As much as I am happy with my pregnancy, I do not want to look too much big and uncomfortable during my baby shower. I believe before eight or ten weeks, I will still be cute, and that’s the best time to host it. I am sure my belly will still show as if I am in the third trimester, but I need the energy to have fun and be participative in the event.”
“Unfortunately, my doctor says that my pregnancy is high-risk, and I might have some complications. Rather than waiting to have an emergency C-section too early before the due date, it’s better to host my baby shower at or before 28 weeks. Otherwise, I will miss it, and I don’t want that to happen. I might not be hospitalized early, but I better be prepared.”
“My guests in my previous baby shower brought many gifts for my baby, and that’s why I don’t want to hold this one too late or too early. I would rather wait and see what they bring and then decide on what to buy for my coming baby.”
These accounts post a somewhat clear picture of what precedes the decision to do a baby shower. Several points stick out:
• Your health and your baby’s health
• Your preferences — some people want to hold theirs’ when they’re still ‘small and cute.’
• Your schedule
However, despite these reasons, most expectant moms choose to have their baby showers later in their pregnancy to have a clearer picture of what they need to buy. As with every baby shower, guests bring gifts to the honoree, which can sometimes cancel the need to make certain purchases. Therefore, it’s best to hold your baby shower first before buying your baby’s equipment or products.
Nevertheless, when you hold your shower too late, you might have difficulty juggling from buying your baby’s products, preparing your nursery, preparing your birth, and sometimes working. The golden rule is this, hold yours early enough to avoid an untimely arrival or the stress of having too much to do within a short time, and late enough when the pregnancy is well along.
Selecting the date, day, and time
After you’ve come up with an idea of when to hold your baby shower, you need to figure out an appropriate date, day, and time. The selection of these largely depends on the season. For example, it can be difficult to locate people in the evenings or at night during the holiday season. Sometimes, it can even be hard to find a time when most people are in town.
Here’s when you need a scheduling tool. You can schedule the appropriate time with your guests and send them reminders when it approaches.
It is quite easy to plan for an outdoor party in summer or spring; however, selecting the right day is important. A too cold or too hot day could create a very miserable party. Sometimes, the rains might break your party, causing you to shift to another location, which can be extremely stressful for you and your guests.
It is also important to consider gift-giving holidays, such as Christmas. During some holidays, your family or friends may start sending you gifts before the shower. If that happens, schedule the party after the holiday.
Best day of the week for hosting
Anyone would recommend hosting your party on the weekend. This is when most people are less busy and more relaxed. You’ll probably have the opportunity to invite most guests without worrying about interfering with their schedules.
However, if you’re busy during the weekends or most of your friends and family are unavailable, then, no pressure, you can still host your shower on a weekday. You can inform your guests early enough to give them adequate time to plan.
Perfect time of the day for hosting
Although most people host their parties at lunchtime, you can join in the new hosting trend during brunch. Having it earlier can help with your guest movement. For instance, ensuring they leave early to avoid traffic. You can also host yours during ‘the happy hour’ when the sun is setting.
Opt for a virtual party instead
You might have complicated the question of “when do you have a baby shower,” discussing the best day of the week and time of the day. If you feel so, don’t worry, there is another option. Rather than worrying about the perfect day for the perfect weather, you can opt for a virtual party.
The growth of technology has not only made it easier for businesses but also for personal goals. You can host your party online using apps such as Zoom and Skype. Using such will allow you to invite your loved ones, even from the remotest place on earth.
However, virtual baby showers are not as straightforward as you may think. You will need to make some considerations. First, the time difference can affect some of your guests. If you invite people from different time zones, ensure that you select the most appropriate time — when all of your guests are awake.
Also, use apps that allow video calling and chat on different devices. This is important because some of your guests may only have access to mobile devices at baby shower time.
The upside of hosting a virtual baby shower is that you’ll only interfere with a small portion of your guests’ time since they do not need to commute. You can also hold it for a longer period and at the comfort of your home.
Wait until after delivery
If you’re still overwhelmed with the planning, you can choose to wait until after delivery. Host a sip and see party instead. It’s usually done after the baby is born. The new parents invite close friends and family to see and chill with them.
Most people prefer these types of parties because they’re all about the baby and not the mother, like some baby showers. Guests come to see the baby and bring them appropriate presents because, unlike in baby showers, they don’t speculate on the baby’s gender.
The downside is that your guests may bring things you already bought, which means that you won’t be able to cut your baby’s budget. You’d have purchased more things before the baby came.
The decision about when to have your baby shower needs lots of contemplation and consideration. However, it largely depends on what works for you. The most important factors to consider are your health, your schedule and that of your guests, the season, and choosing between the traditional or virtual baby shower. You can also decide to wait until your baby is born. Whatever you decide, ensure that it doesn’t impact your health or your family’s well being.
How early can I have a baby shower?
How early depends on your health and that of your baby. Suppose you are afraid that delivery might come early or might experience complications; eight weeks before expected arrival would be perfect. Otherwise, six weeks are good for normal pregnancy.
Can you have a baby shower after the birth?
Yes, in fact, most people are embracing the idea today more than ever. The event becomes more of the baby rather than the mother. It is also easy for guests to purchase gifts.
Is it better to have a baby shower before or after the baby is born?
None of the schedules is good or bad; it is all about your preferences as an expectant mom.
What’s the earliest you can have a baby shower
Again the earliest you can have a baby shower depends on your health situation and your preference. However, eight weeks before delivery would be good for both normal and complicated pregnancies.