That is a big question! What to Write On A Baby Shower Card? In this article, I will help answer that very question! A Baby Shower Card can be fun and casual or more serious and personal. No matter the style, what you decide on, what you write inside will vary depending on your relationship with MOM.
When writing on a baby shower card always be encouraging and positive with your message to the new Mom and write from your heart! No matter your message, it is customary to save special memories between Mom and you, personal thoughts and words like love for a personal card you hand deliver.
If you’re getting a book instead of a card check What to Write On A Baby Shower book

A Baby Shower is a time of New Beginnings and Celebrations for the New Baby! It’s a time to celebrate with Mom, friends and family the introduction of her new family member. It’s customary to get a card for Mom-to-Be to thank them for the invitation and to wish Baby and Mother the very best.
Get this Beautiful Card From here
What to Write On A Baby Shower Card
Message from FRIENDS
- Congratulations to the new Parent(s). Wishing you and yours a lifetime of happy memories, joy and happiness.
- May your lil one be as strong and fierce as her Momma! Many blessings on your journey! Congratulations!
- May you have a safe delivery and a speedy recovery! Happiness to you and your family!
- I hope you and your new baby will have all the joy and happiness the world has to offer! Your little miracle is for a wonderful life!
- CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful NEW adventure!
Message from Grandparents
- Wishing you and your new bundle laughter and love and happiness each and every day.
- CONGRATULATIONS! We are here to offer a helping hand anytime you need a little ‘YOU’ time.
- We couldn’t be more proud of you daughter! May your days be filled with joy and happiness. Blessing to you and yours!
- We are so proud of you (name)! We cannot wait to spoil our grandbaby! Blessings to you
- Joy and celebrations to you! Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. That’s why they come with Grandparents! We are here for all of you!
FUNNY Messages
- Many toasts to the wonderful bun in your oven! Congratulations!
- Babies are like a math equation! They’re an addition to the household, they’re a subtraction from your sleep time, and they’ll divide your patience in half. Peace and blessings to you and your new bundle of joy.
- Welcome to parenthood where going to the grocery store is considered a vacation! CONGRATULATIONS on your new family member!
QUOTES for your Message
- “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child” -TIna Brown
- Many happy years together for you and yours! Congratulations
- “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God” -Barretto I am so proud of you, many joyful days to you and your new bundle of joy Mom!
- “Of all the blessings God sends from above, the one most precious is a new baby to love!” Happiness to your new baby! Joy and blessing to you new Mom
Messages from Sister and Brother
- Congratulations SIS! What a fantastic job you’ve done! I know you will raise your new child to be as amazing as you are! Give me a call any time you want some time for you.
- Through this card Sister, I send you all my joy and love for you and your new bundle. Happy Baby Shower Sister!
- We have shared so much together and I am very proud to be a new aunt (uncle)! Anytime you need anything at all, give me a jingle! CONGRATULATIONS SISTER
- Remember all the times we talked about our own families? Congratulations Sis, yours is grown by ONE! I am so very proud of you! Blessings to you and your new baby.
When do I give my Baby Shower card to Mom?
Generally, it is customary to give the card when you arrive at the shower. However, it is acceptable to mail or hand deliver your card after the shower.
Can I make my own card for the New Mom?
Absolutely! A handmade card shows your creativity and your care for Mom.
What should I write in my Baby Shower card?
Depending on your relationship with Mom, it is best to wish Mom well and congratulate her on her new bundle of JOY. Try to keep it short and simple, but always speak from the heart. Mom has worked really hard to get here, and celebrate this happy day with her.
The most important thing to keep in mind is to keep it short and simple and always from your heart.
How personal should I be in my Baby Shower Card?
Your Baby Shower card is personal to Mom and she will appreciate your heartfelt thoughts. It is a good idea to keep your thoughts about Mom and her new bundle of joy. Terms of encouragement and help is always welcomed
Should I give a card to the HOSTESS too?
Yes. It is a joy and privilege to throw a baby shower and giving a card to the hostess is a really nice idea. It is not mandatory, but it is appropriate to give the Hostess a very simple thank you card just to express your gratitude for throwing the party.
Should I address the card to Mom AND Dad?
Traditionally, a Baby Shower is for Mom. Times are changing and oftentimes Dad will attend the Shower too. It is best to address the card to Mom and Dad only when Dad attends the Shower WITH MOM. Otherwise, it is appropriate to address your card to Mom.
Should I write the card to Mom and/or Baby?
A Baby Shower is for Mom and her new baby. It is perfectly acceptable for the card to be addressed to both Mom and baby.
A Baby Shower is a beautiful and memorable rite of passage for every woman and her new baby. The Card that you give her can be light and festive or serious. The most important message to write for MOM should be encouraging and happy. Save your very personal messages for a separate card for Mom. Your message should be about congratulations and happiness. Speak from the heart, keep it short and simple and the NEW MOM will cherish your card forever!